Thank You Maam DVD Remastered Classic

Thank You, Ma'am

SKU: 32452D


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Elementary Films, Family Life, General Interest, Guidance, Independent Gems, Language Arts, Libraries, Literature, Multicultural Studies, Parents, Personal Growth, Primary Education, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest, Social Studies, Violence in Society,

  • Description
  • Additional information
Thank You, Ma'am is based on Langston Hughes’ short story. This film shows what happens when a black youth tries to steal an older black woman’s purse, and the woman catches him. She takes him home, cleans him up, gives him some valuable advice, and sets him off in the right direction —having a lasting effect on the boy. Produced by Andrew Sugerman. Executive Producer: Barbara Bryant. Honored by the
American Film Festival, the American Library Association, and the Children’s Film Festival.

American Film Festival
ALA Notable
Children’s Film Festival

12 Minutes | Color

Additional information
Thank You, Ma'am is based on Langston Hughes’ short story. This film shows what happens when a black youth tries to steal an older black woman’s purse, and the woman catches him. She takes him home, cleans him up, gives him some valuable advice, and sets him off in the right direction —having a lasting effect on the boy. Produced by Andrew Sugerman. Executive Producer: Barbara Bryant. Honored by the
American Film Festival, the American Library Association, and the Children’s Film Festival.

American Film Festival
ALA Notable
Children’s Film Festival

12 Minutes | Color