The Jewish Wife

The Jewish Wife

SKU: 33946-D


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Elementary Films, Family Life, General Interest, Guidance, Independent Gems, Language Arts, Libraries, Performing Arts & Drama, Personal Growth, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest, Women's Studies,

  • Description
  • Additional information

The Jewish Wife is a one-act play taken from "The Rise and the Fall of the Masterrace", by Bertolt Brecht.

The Jewish Wife, portrayed by Viveca Lindfors, faces the brutal end of her crumbling marriage as well as the hypocrisy of her own existence. Through a series of shattering confrontations with friends, with her Aryan husband, and most importantly, with herself, she finally arrives at the realization that she must leave forever her home, her country, and the man she still loves. However, she no longer leaves as a victim of circumstance, but as a new-born human being who has learned to take responsibility for her own destiny.

Directed by: Jeffrey Young
Edited by: Bert Rashby
Re-Release Date: 1978

Color | 29 Minutes

Additional information

The Jewish Wife is a one-act play taken from "The Rise and the Fall of the Masterrace", by Bertolt Brecht.

The Jewish Wife, portrayed by Viveca Lindfors, faces the brutal end of her crumbling marriage as well as the hypocrisy of her own existence. Through a series of shattering confrontations with friends, with her Aryan husband, and most importantly, with herself, she finally arrives at the realization that she must leave forever her home, her country, and the man she still loves. However, she no longer leaves as a victim of circumstance, but as a new-born human being who has learned to take responsibility for her own destiny.

Directed by: Jeffrey Young
Edited by: Bert Rashby
Re-Release Date: 1978

Color | 29 Minutes