Portrait of Grandpa Doc

Portrait of Grandpa Doc

SKU: 32701


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Elementary Films, Family Life, General Interest, Independent Gems, Language Arts, Libraries, Parents, Primary Education, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest,

  • Description
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A young artist struggles to complete a painting that he especially wants to have ready for his first show — a portrait of his maternal grandfather, who died several years earlier. As he tries to find the image that will capture his grandfather, he reflects on the times he spent with him, recalling that it was Grandpa Doc who first encouraged him to express himself through art. The memories flow as his work continues until, finally, he captures the image he had been seeking.

28 Minutes | Color

Additional information

A young artist struggles to complete a painting that he especially wants to have ready for his first show — a portrait of his maternal grandfather, who died several years earlier. As he tries to find the image that will capture his grandfather, he reflects on the times he spent with him, recalling that it was Grandpa Doc who first encouraged him to express himself through art. The memories flow as his work continues until, finally, he captures the image he had been seeking.

28 Minutes | Color