Green Careers - Clean Energy: Biofuel Power

Green Careers - Clean Energy: Biofuel Power

SKU: 32829


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Career Guidance, Civic & Business, Economics, Elementary Films, Environmental & Earth Sciences, General Interest, Guidance, Independent Gems, Innovation & Discovery, Libraries, Parents, Personal Growth, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest,

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We visit a state-of the-art ethanol plant in Macon, Missouri where a maintenance electrician, production operator, quality control director and plant administrator oversee the conversion of corn into fuel. We also examine new technology in advanced biodiesel, produced from animal fats and from algae and waste materials. This new technology is expanding opportunities for lab techs, engineers and researchers and creating green jobs for an energy independent future from home grown renewable resources.

21 minutes | Color

We visit a state-of the-art ethanol plant in Macon, Missouri where a maintenance electrician, production operator, quality control director and plant administrator oversee the conversion of corn into fuel. We also examine new technology in advanced biodiesel, produced from animal fats and from algae and waste materials. This new technology is expanding opportunities for lab techs, engineers and researchers and creating green jobs for an energy independent future from home grown renewable resources.

21 minutes | Color