Song of Myself

Song of Myself

SKU: 33255


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Elementary Films, Family Life, General Interest, Independent Gems, Innovation & Discovery, Language Arts, Libraries, Literature, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest,

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Walt Whitman is still one of America’s most controversial and yet respected poets. He broke many conventions of behavior but, in his poetry, he went to the heart of much that we consider to be American democracy. In Song of Myself, Whitman, played by Rip Torn, reminisces about his life from the time he started writing Leaves of Grass until he had to return to his family after a stroke.

31 minutes | Color

Walt Whitman is still one of America’s most controversial and yet respected poets. He broke many conventions of behavior but, in his poetry, he went to the heart of much that we consider to be American democracy. In Song of Myself, Whitman, played by Rip Torn, reminisces about his life from the time he started writing Leaves of Grass until he had to return to his family after a stroke.

31 minutes | Color