Help Me! The Story of a Teenage Suicide

Help Me! The Story of a Teenage Suicide

SKU: 32196


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Elementary Films, Guidance, Health, Health Education, Libraries, Parents, Personal Growth, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest, Substance Abuse, Violence in Society,

  • Description
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Although rates vary from year to year and among demographic subgroups, suicide and suicide attempts by adolescents represent a persistent public-health hazard in the United States. This 1981 film presents the fictional story of one young person facing a set of serious life crises. As we watch Sandy and see the reactions of her parents, teachers and friends, we can begin to see some of the reasons for her behavior and — most important — what might have been done to intervene. Produced by S-L Film Productions.

25 minutes | Color

Although rates vary from year to year and among demographic subgroups, suicide and suicide attempts by adolescents represent a persistent public-health hazard in the United States. This 1981 film presents the fictional story of one young person facing a set of serious life crises. As we watch Sandy and see the reactions of her parents, teachers and friends, we can begin to see some of the reasons for her behavior and — most important — what might have been done to intervene. Produced by S-L Film Productions.

25 minutes | Color