What About the Sisters?

What About the Sisters?

SKU: 32894


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Elementary Films, Secondary, College, General Interest,

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Young women today face many challenges. Some drop out of school to help ease these pressures, some marry and start a family of their own. It may seem like the perfect escape — no more homework, living on your own terms and by your own rules, a man to take care of you and a baby to give you the love you need and deserve. In reality, this escape route may turn into another kind of trap. Without a good education, it is extremely difficult to find a job that pays enough to live on comfortably. Young men who haven’t yet solved their own dilemmas about jobs and education often fail when they take on the responsibility of supporting a wife and a baby. Old constraints are merely replaced with new, and more intense, pressures and problems. What About The Sisters? illustrates how Lita decides between staying in school or starting a new life on her own.

20 minutes • Color


Young women today face many challenges. Some drop out of school to help ease these pressures, some marry and start a family of their own. It may seem like the perfect escape — no more homework, living on your own terms and by your own rules, a man to take care of you and a baby to give you the love you need and deserve. In reality, this escape route may turn into another kind of trap. Without a good education, it is extremely difficult to find a job that pays enough to live on comfortably. Young men who haven’t yet solved their own dilemmas about jobs and education often fail when they take on the responsibility of supporting a wife and a baby. Old constraints are merely replaced with new, and more intense, pressures and problems. What About The Sisters? illustrates how Lita decides between staying in school or starting a new life on her own.

20 minutes • Color

Young women today face many challenges. Some drop out of school to help ease these pressures, some marry and start a family of their own. It may seem like the perfect escape — no more homework, living on your own terms and by your own rules, a man to take care of you and a baby to give you the love you need and deserve. In reality, this escape route may turn into another kind of trap. Without a good education, it is extremely difficult to find a job that pays enough to live on comfortably. Young men who haven’t yet solved their own dilemmas about jobs and education often fail when they take on the responsibility of supporting a wife and a baby. Old constraints are merely replaced with new, and more intense, pressures and problems. What About The Sisters? illustrates how Lita decides between staying in school or starting a new life on her own.

20 minutes • Color


Young women today face many challenges. Some drop out of school to help ease these pressures, some marry and start a family of their own. It may seem like the perfect escape — no more homework, living on your own terms and by your own rules, a man to take care of you and a baby to give you the love you need and deserve. In reality, this escape route may turn into another kind of trap. Without a good education, it is extremely difficult to find a job that pays enough to live on comfortably. Young men who haven’t yet solved their own dilemmas about jobs and education often fail when they take on the responsibility of supporting a wife and a baby. Old constraints are merely replaced with new, and more intense, pressures and problems. What About The Sisters? illustrates how Lita decides between staying in school or starting a new life on her own.

20 minutes • Color