The Theater in Shakespeare’s Time

The Theater in Shakespeare’s Time

SKU: 32998


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Elementary Films, General Interest, Independent Gems, Innovation & Discovery, Language Arts, Libraries, Literature, Parents, Performing Arts & Drama, Primary Education, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest, Social Studies,

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The many facets and traditions of the Elizabethan theater and the unique characteristics of the stage are visualized within the context of the society of Shakespeare’s time in "The Theater of Shakespeare's Time". Shakespeare wrote his plays for the stage on which they were performed, for the actors, and for an audience which represented a cross-section of the citizens of London. Produced by Seabourne Enterprises, Ltd.

14 Minutes | Color

The many facets and traditions of the Elizabethan theater and the unique characteristics of the stage are visualized within the context of the society of Shakespeare’s time in "The Theater of Shakespeare's Time". Shakespeare wrote his plays for the stage on which they were performed, for the actors, and for an audience which represented a cross-section of the citizens of London. Produced by Seabourne Enterprises, Ltd.

14 Minutes | Color