Green Careers - Building Green

Green Careers - Building Green

SKU: 33755


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Career Guidance, Civic & Business, Economics, Elementary Films, Environmental & Earth Sciences, General Interest, Guidance, Independent Gems, Innovation & Discovery, Libraries, Parents, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest,

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Some of the biggest opportunities for energy improvements occur in the building trades.

This program presents an overview of job opportunities in this booming industry where there is a high demand for trained professionals, designers, and workers to help improve the efficiency of commercial and residential buildings through better design of new buildings and smart improvements to existing structures.

Making our homes and offices more energy efficient is an enormous challenge, but the potential cost savings and benefits for the environment are significant. Government mandates, tax credits, and rebates are adding additional incentives. A job in a “green” construction trade can enable a young person, with a minimal amount of training, to get a foot in the door of the green economy.

20 minutes | Color

Some of the biggest opportunities for energy improvements occur in the building trades.

This program presents an overview of job opportunities in this booming industry where there is a high demand for trained professionals, designers, and workers to help improve the efficiency of commercial and residential buildings through better design of new buildings and smart improvements to existing structures.

Making our homes and offices more energy efficient is an enormous challenge, but the potential cost savings and benefits for the environment are significant. Government mandates, tax credits, and rebates are adding additional incentives. A job in a “green” construction trade can enable a young person, with a minimal amount of training, to get a foot in the door of the green economy.

20 minutes | Color