French Revolution The Woman

French Revolution The Woman

SKU: 33188


20 Minutes - Color

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Categories: Biography, Elementary Films, General Interest, Innovation & Discovery, Libraries, Military History, Parents, Primary Education, Secondary & College, Secondary, College, General Interest, Social Studies, World History,

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French Revolution The Woman introduces Théroigne de Mericourt, who tells how she believed in the Revolution wholeheartedly, when it promised political rights to women. She led crowds and organized political activist clubs but soon saw how in the heat of the war, women’s hopes were abandoned.

This is part of a series called The French Revolution: Revolutionary Witness, examining the consequences of the 1789 upheaval in France and all that followed. Produced by the BBC. A Coronet release.

20 minutes | Color

French Revolution The Woman introduces Théroigne de Mericourt, who tells how she believed in the Revolution wholeheartedly, when it promised political rights to women. She led crowds and organized political activist clubs but soon saw how in the heat of the war, women’s hopes were abandoned.

This is part of a series called The French Revolution: Revolutionary Witness, examining the consequences of the 1789 upheaval in France and all that followed. Produced by the BBC. A Coronet release.

20 minutes | Color